All Film scanned with a Telecine method to   preserve the quality at its highest.

All scans and transfer pricing does not include storage media.

e.g. Flash Drives, Data Discs, DVD, Blu-Ray

8mm Reel



 8mm Film Without Sound

 8mm Film With Sound

 16mm Film Without Sound

 16mm Film With Sound

 $0.25 Per Foot

 $0.40 Per Foot

 $0.25 Per Foot

 $0.40 Per Foot

35mm Slides, Slides

Includes cropping, and color correction, 25ยข per slide without. Price breaks available for bulk orders. Contact us for Slideshow pricing.

 35mm Slide Scanning Standard Quality

 $0.50 Per Slide

 35mm Slide Scanning Medium Quality

 $0.60 Per Slide

 35mm Slide Scanning High Quality

 $0.70 Per Slide

 35mm Slide Color Correcting

 $0.15 Per Slide



 35mm Film Scanning



 $1.00 Per Photo



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